NTMPI Missionaries

Peter & Rosario (Ochie) Bangcong

Serving the Kalangoya Tribe of Nueva Vizcaya
Email Address: peter.bangcong@global.partners
Missionary Profile:

Peter, a graduate of the Master of Intercultural Studies program at Biola University, La Mirada, California, USA, and Ochie, a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Accounting graduate from the University of the East, Manila, Philippines, have two grown married children—Daniel and Maria Faith.

They served as NTMPI missionaries to the Talaandig tribe in Agusan del Sur, Philippines, from 1989 to 1996 and to the Red Karen people group in Thailand from 1997 to 2015. As the first overseas missionaries of NTMPI, their experiences in church planting among these people groups have been instrumental in the new roles God has entrusted to them.

From 2016 to 2023, Peter served as NTMPI’s Church Planting Directors, overseeing the Church Planting Department, providing guidance to all NTMPI missionaries, and implementing the leadership’s decisions and plans concerning church planting strategies, programs, and related initiatives.

Currently, they are ministering among the Kalanguya tribe, focusing on teaching and equipping pastors for effective ministry.

Family Picture