New Tribes Mission of the Philippines, Inc. (NTMPI) is a non-denominational, faith Christian mission organization consisting of over 100 Filipino missionaries.





We envision an indigenous, Christ-centered, multiplying community of believers (Church) in every unreached tribal and ethnic group in the Philippines and beyond.


To glorify God by prayerfully developing godly missionaries from recruitment to the field of ministry; providing them care and continuous equipping; doing partnership with churches and other mission agencies; establishing a holistic and indigenous church planting ministry in every unreached tribal and ethnic group in the Philippines and beyond.

Our Statement of Faith

We believe…

  • In the word-by-word inspiration, inerrancy, and final authority of the Holy Scriptures.
  • That salvation is a free and everlasting gift of God, entirely apart from works, received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • In one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • That the Holy Spirit regenerates with divine life and personally indwells the believer upon faith in Christ for salvation.
  • In the Lord Jesus Christ as true God and true man; His virgin birth, sinless humanity, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, present advocacy, and bodily return.
  • In the bodily resurrection and unending life of the saved with the Lord and the bodily resurrection and unending punishment of the unsaved.
  • In the fall of man, resulting in his complete and universal separation from God and his need of salvation.
  • The church, beginning at Pentecost, is the body of Christ comprised of those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior.
  • That the Lord Jesus Christ shed His blood and died as a sacrifice for the sins of every person in the whole world.
  • It is the church’s responsibility to glorify Christ by preaching the gospel to the whole world and making disciples of all nations.

Our Core Values

We value…

  • 1. The Word of God as our final authority
  • 2. A Spirit-controlled life
  • 3. Dependence on God
  • 4. The role and responsibility of the local church in the Great Commission
  • 5. Readiness to sacrifice for Christ and His Church
  • 6. Godly relationships and interdependence in ministry
  • 7. The potential of all believers to be used by God in the Great Commission
  • 8. Excellence and urgency in all we do to finish the task

Our Ministry Values

A. Our Call to ministry is the Great Commission, specifically to the least-reached people groups in the world.
B. Our Goal is the fulfillment of the Great Commission through planting and helping churches develop to maturity by:
1. Evangelism with the long-range vision of establishing mature local churches.
2. Church planting and maturity as our focus from the beginning.
3. Developing mature local churches which have the vision and ability to reproduce themselves – churches planting churches.
C. Our Message is the clear presentation of the Gospel
1. The Gospel message is best communicated in the cultural context and the heart language of the people.
2. The Gospel message must be presented simply and clearly in the context of the whole Word of God.
D. Our Authority is God’s Word, the foundation of all we believe and do.
1. Through the systematic foundational teaching of God’s Word for evangelism and the development of the church.
2. Through the essential work of Bible Translation.
E. Our Practice is a team approach to ministry
1. As a part of the church and God’s Global Team
a. Mobilizing and helping to equip the Church for church planting among the least-reached people groups in the world.
b. In partnership with God’s global team
2. Through the supporting efforts of the entire GP family towards our stated purpose.
3. Through plurality of leadership based on spiritual qualifications, shared authority and collective responsibility.
4. Through leadership teams that:
a. take responsibility for prioritizing objectives and ministry opportunities
b. lead in the placement of well-prepared multiple-unit teams for church planting and development
c. ensure that those teams receive consistent shepherding, on-going equipping, guidance, and logistical support.
E. Our Commitment is to long-term discipleship:
1. Keeping the development and maturity of the church in focus.
2. Teaching and living New Testament church principles – teaching faithful men and women by showing, doing and advising.
3. Holding to indigenous principles – passing on our Ministry Values to those to whom we minister, within the context of the local church and encouraging dependence upon God in every area.
4. Working for completion – finishing our responsibilities towards the church: translation, teaching, discipleship, etc.

Our Teaching Approach


Also known as Building on Firm Foundation (BOFF) or Foundational Bible Teaching (FBT)
We teach through the Bible chronologically, laying a foundation for the Gospel among people who have never heard the God of the Bible.
From Creation to Christ we unfold the story of God. Moving through key Bible passages, we prepare and teach lessons that progressively reveal truth about God and man, and how He worked things out to make His plan of redemption come to its realization.

Brief History

They call it by different names: dream, burden, foresight or vision.

The Lord planted this in the heart of a young, frail and sickly lady. This gave birth to a bright and promising future for many of our tribal Filipinos. At the right time and with the right people, New Tribes Mission of the Philippines was started with the cause to reach the unreached tribal peoples of the country. With great enthusiasm and dedication of former Lorita Enti, (now Lorita Enti Dizon) – the pioneer missionary of New Tribes Mission of the Philippines, who was later joined by Byrd and Angie Brunemeier, the initial steps toward evangelizing the tribal people in the Philippines was set in motion.

In April 1952, Byrd Brunemeir made the first survey in the Mangyan area of Mindoro. Arsenio Dominguez, a new graduate from Febias, and Faustino Ruivivar (former director of World Literature Crusade), accompanied him at that time. The survey showed a great need for missionaries in the area.

With six dedicated people namely: Lorita Enti, Emma RonquiloVirginia Williams (who became Mrs. Ruivivar)Fortunata Gonzales (now Mrs. Orcullo), Arsenio Dominguez and Faustino Ruivivar, the ministry among the Hanunuo Mangyan began. While some members of the pioneering group were continuing the work among the Hanunuo Mangyan, Lorita Enti began making moves towards organizing a domestic corporation. With the help of people like Mrs. Carmen Castro and Atty. Jovito Salonga (who became Senate President), New Tribes Mission of the Philippines was finally incorporated on November 21, 1952.

At God’s appointed time, by becoming a legitimate organization, the vision, though high, began to take shape and form, grow and mature in the years that followed – because of God’s continuing grace.

Frequently Asked Questions

NTMPI Missionaries are being supported through Love Gifts and Donations.

Mission Leaders receive their support also through Love Gifts and Donations, just like any other missionary. But they have to raise more funds because of more pressing needs like meetings and other trips related to leadership representations.

Support levels are determined according to marital status, number of children, area of ministry, and nature of work.

The missionaries will continue trusting the Lord as he raise the amount needed, until he reached the designated level of support.

For further questions or concerns: